yuri — creative

Drug Free

“See Football Differently” for beIN SPORTS channel was its first brand TV commercial made for the US market. Coming from a country where soccer is a religion, no need to say this was heaven to me. But it also was an opportunity to do more than a splashy praise to the jogo bonito, the beautiful game.

With a simple thought-provoking twist, we positioned beIN SPORTS as the ambassador of the new breed of American-obsessed-soccer-fans that is taking over the country.

Partnership for Drug Free

“Balloons”  has a powerful connect-the-dots imagery aiming to open an honest dialogue between parents and their kids on how to deal with drugs.  The usual hurdles an idea has to leap over are much higher when it comes to this organization. A committee of prestigious creatives is invited to approve the work, making the process similar to that of an award shows.

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